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Investigate packaging genie_python #8381

Open zsoltkebel opened 3 weeks ago

zsoltkebel commented 3 weeks ago

This Ticket should instead be a discussion based on points raised in comments

I suggested investigating whether we could turn genie_python helper functions into a pip installable package from vcs for better maintenance and clarity.

I suggest revisiting this ticket in planning and deciding priority etc.

Work done

On branch ticket8381-package in the genie_python repository.

Going further

discussed ~1:21 20/60/24/

FreddieAkeroyd commented 1 week ago

Should we consider splitting some parts of genie python that are server specific and/or shared into separate packages e.g. i think we have things like CaChannel wrappers that may be common to both client and server, but scripting stuff is not needed by inst_servers, which could run in their own virtual environment separate from genie python

FreddieAkeroyd commented 1 week ago

regarding caRepeater, it is launched by the EPICS ca.dll which needs to find it in your PATH. As the epics site packages is not in the PATH, i think it got copied to next to python.exe so it would be found. However we now build cachannel with our own epics that i modified to add the directory where ca.dll is loaded from to the internal search path, so it would probably work without it next to python.exe now

Tom-Willemsen commented 1 week ago

This likely needs splitting into a series of tickets - I think this is too big to just do as one ticket.

Some likely subtasks which I think we need/want to do as part of this (in no particular order) - each of which could be a sensible ticket in itself: