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WG7: Additional parts of ISO 19152 - Land administration domain model #116

Open isotc211 opened 3 years ago

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

Justification: Revision of ISO 19152 should address additional work and additional parts of ISO 19152 are proposed.

Proposal: Scope could be extended in different directions:

  1. conceptual model (Fiscal/valuation extension module, More explicit semantics of code list values, Further modelling LADM’s rights, restrictions, responsibilities (RRRs), Further modelling of LADM's survey and spatial representation, SDG Indicators (aggregated values at different levels), 3D/4D Cadastre, Spatial planning/zoning with legal implications, LADM in support to Marine Cadastre (esp. coastal zones), More explicit relations with Building Information Modelling (BIM), Other legal spaces: mining, archaeology, utilities,…),

  2. LADM Profiles (Methodology to define profiles, STDM, Sample country profiles),

  3. Application schema, technical models & encodings (Existing xxxML’s: CityGML, IndoorGML, InfraLand (InfraGML), LandXML, Own/new LA xxxML (…LAML), (Geo)BIM/IFC, INTERLIS, Linked data (RDF), GeoJSON,...),

  4. Process & workflow standardization (Initial registration (legal+spatial), Transactions: complete parcel, split of parcel, reallotment, Information delivery (mass, individual), Survey workflow (best practices, incl. use of imagery, BIM, topo), SDI, create/maintain references (buildings, utilities, spatial plans,…), Blockchain and ledger technologies (ISO TC307),...).

Also, very important are the sample implementations (open and closed source), perhaps developed in OGC Innovation Program.

If revision could be a joint ISO/TC211 and OGC activity (depending on actual scope with expert input from FIG, IHO, ISPRS, UN-GGIM: EG-LAM, Worldbank, UN-Habitat, legal associations, etc.) that would be great. Not sure what is feasible, next opportunities for further discussing this are: ISO/TC211 in Stockholm, FIG WW (both 29 may – 2 june...), and OGC TC/PC in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (26-30 jun). Should FIG make new NWIP and submit to both ISO/TC211 and OGC?

See also attached email exchange.

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 Admin 2017-05-07 12:12:42 UTC Created ﷒0﷓ Email exchange following the LADM workshop in 2017

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 Admin 2017-05-07 12:14:23 UTC See also the LADM Wiki at ﷒0﷓

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 Admin 2018-05-20 09:17:54 UTC Feedback from meeting held in Wellington (Nov 2017):

Wellington resolution: Resolution 847 Coordinator to initiate Stage 0 project for the revision of ISO 19152:2012, Geographic information – Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)

ISO/TC 211 appreciates and accepts the nomination by the National Body of Australia of Mr. Chris Body as coordinator and appoint him to that position.

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 Admin 2018-11-14 03:14:57 UTC Stage zero project initiated (N4914, N4922)

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

ISO/TC 211 Admin 2019-07-04 18:03:46 UTC From PMG report in Maribor (N5116):

Feedback from stage zero project meeting in Maribor • New parts will be proposed, including ISO19152-1 on LADM Fundamentals. NWIP for ISO 19152-1 expected within next 6 months (start technical work in Japan?). • Terminology in N5086 (report as part of stage zero project) needs to reformatted. NWIP proposers encouraged to consult with TMG before submitting NWIP.

isotc211 commented 3 years ago

PS to LADM workshop presentations online.pdf