This PowerShell module will allow to fetch data from Windows hosts and use them for inventory and monitoring solutions. Together with the Icinga Web 2 module, a detailed overview of your Windows infrastructure will be drawn.
MIT License
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Better Error Description For initial Install Script IcingaForWindows.ps1 #731
When using the Install Script and the Repository isn't reachable either DNS or other reasons Script just finishes with the following error Message
PS C:\Users\dummy\Desktop> .\IcingaForWindows.ps1
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
It might finish with an error Message hinting at the reachability for the repository .. or at hinting that the following Parameter should be set correctly
PS C:\Users\dummy\Desktop> .\IcingaForWindows.ps1
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
-IcingaRepository Location wasn't reachable or not correctly configured
When using the Install Script and the Repository isn't reachable either DNS or other reasons Script just finishes with the following error Message
PS C:\Users\dummy\Desktop> .\IcingaForWindows.ps1 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
It might finish with an error Message hinting at the reachability for the repository .. or at hinting that the following Parameter should be set correctly
PS C:\Users\dummy\Desktop> .\IcingaForWindows.ps1 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. -IcingaRepository Location wasn't reachable or not correctly configured