Closed icinga-migration closed 10 years ago
Updated by mfriedrich on 2013-12-05 10:42:45 +00:00
UPDATE only for tables
all related queries (such as icinga_host_parenthosts, icinga_hostdependencies or icinga_service_contacts, icinga_service_contactgroups) are performed using the required INSERT query.
side effect of the missing servicegroup_object_id -> GetObjectID returns -1 and inserts that into the members table.
[2013-12-05 10:48:59 +0100] debug/db_ido_mysql: Query: INSERT INTO icinga_servicegroup_members (instance_id, service_object_id, servicegroup_id) VALUES (1, 232, -1)
something changed with the handling of DynamicObjects and their OnConfigUpdate() handling, causing UPDATE instead of INSERT queries in this regard.
Updated by Anonymous on 2013-12-05 11:14:08 +00:00
Applied in changeset i2:fa14b39719822ca9a46edccedf06080d85180591.
Updated by mfriedrich on 2014-09-16 09:19:36 +00:00
This issue has been migrated from Redmine:
Created by mfriedrich on 2013-12-05 10:01:45 +00:00
Assignee: mfriedrich Status: Resolved (closed on 2013-12-05 11:14:08 +00:00) Target Version: 0.0.6 Last Update: 2014-09-16 09:19:36 +00:00 (in Redmine)
2013-12-05 11:12:57 +00:00 by (unknown) fa14b39719822ca9a46edccedf06080d85180591