Closed icinga-migration closed 9 years ago
Updated by mfriedrich on 2015-05-12 11:11:53 +00:00
Updated by mfriedrich on 2015-05-12 11:18:25 +00:00
Icinga2 2.1.1 is fairly old. Please upgrade to the latest stable release (2.3.4, e.g. from or and re-test again. I am confident this issue has been resolved in #7268 and therefore closing this one as duplicate.
This issue has been migrated from Redmine:
Created by iamacarpet on 2015-05-12 11:07:23 +00:00
Assignee: (none) Status: Rejected (closed on 2015-05-12 11:18:25 +00:00) Target Version: (none) Last Update: 2015-05-12 11:18:25 +00:00 (in Redmine)
I'm trying to configure the Weathermap functionality in NagVis which require perfdata in a specific format and a specific order of values.
Icinga2 seems to be re-ordering the perfdata alphabetically based on value, which causes it to be parsed wrong when it gets to NagVis.
The check command on the command line returns:
root@monitor:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_iftraff64 -H 10...***\ -C public -i "GigabitEthernet1/0/18" -I 2 -O 2 -u g -B OK - Average IN: 32.90Mb (1.64), Average OUT: 20.86Mb (1.04)Total RX: 221866.92Gbits, Total TX: 134268.78Gbits|inUsage=1.64;85;98 outUsage=1.04;85;98 inBandwidth=32.90Mb outBandwidth=20.86Mb inAbsolut=27733365235970B outAbsolut=16783597270329B
But then if we look in the perfdata file, it's in a completely different format - as it is when it gets to NagVis:
DATATYPE::SERVICEPERFDATA TIMET::1431427531 HOSTNAME::int-core-sw SERVICEDESC::netlink-firewall SERVICEPERFDATA::inAbsolut=27730629532897B inBandwidth=34466693.119999997B inUsage=3.29;85;98 outAbsolut=16781649623052B outBandwidth=30261903.359999999B outUsage=2.8900000000000001;85;98 SERVICECHECKCOMMAND::netusage-common HOSTSTATE::UP HOSTSTATETYPE::HARD SERVICESTATE::OK SERVICESTATETYPE::HARD
Has anyone had the same problem?