Iconem / search-satellite-imagery

Search satellite Imagery Archive on aggregators like UP42, skywatch, EOS via their respective APIs
MIT License
44 stars 2 forks source link

Integrate more platforms #3

Open jo-chemla opened 1 year ago

jo-chemla commented 1 year ago

Integrate other satellite imagery providers in the list: (might require paid account for high-res search and api),

### Tasks
- [ ] Umbra space SAR [Canopy](https://docs.canopy.umbra.space/reference/search_search_get)
- [ ] [Satellogic Aleph](https://aleph.satellogic.com/) (early access to platform seem closed now) Not yet publicly available and access requested:
- [ ] [Albedo](https://albedo.com/product-specs) 10cm visible will have a STAC endpoint delivering COGs
- [ ] Pixxel [Early adopters program](https://www.pixxel.space/early-adopter-program) 5m hyperspectral 300bands,
- [ ] [BlackSky](https://www.blacksky.com/products/#blacksky_archive) requires NDA for API access
- [ ] [GeoCento](https://imagery.geocento.com/) uses GWT RPC internally
- [ ] [AxelGlobe](https://axelglobe.com/) (Hard. use upcoming stac search endpoint if apikey gated access allows it (on selected aoi) or harder, possible via graphql request to get tiles spatial-identifiers covering polygon and then count tiles overlapping a region from spatial id and time range)