Idle-Finance / yIdleStrategies

Yearn Strategies for Migrated to
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New Idle.Finance Strategy #1

Open vany365 opened 2 years ago

vany365 commented 2 years ago

Description: Updated Idle.Finance strategy by Antonio

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wavey0x commented 2 years ago

Seems this is used in several places even on a single harvest call. Can user actions (e.g. deposit/withdraw) directly impact the idle token virtual price?

wavey0x commented 2 years ago

I would expand permissions to allow Manangement to update this:

wavey0x commented 2 years ago

What are some situations where we would not want to update virtual price?

Possibly if there is a bug or issue on Idle side, we don't want to harvest into a loss? We have healthchecks which address this already. But maybe there's another reason you have in mind.

wavey0x commented 2 years ago

Set healthcheck in the constructor:


wavey0x commented 2 years ago

checking: is it possible for an idle tokens to not have 1e18 denominated virtual price? (e.g. USDT, etc)

wavey0x commented 2 years ago

not necessary. but for your gas golfing: could add want as an input parameter here.

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

Looks like this could be remnants of Emiliano's swapper. I'd recommend using ySwaps so that this won't have to be separately maintained

ySwap's idea is to give a yearn maintained swapper permissions to pull reward tokens from the strategy. The selling of tokens will be outsourced to ySwaps and the want will be airdropped back to the strategy asynchronously

strategy just needs to give it permission example:

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

I believe you can achieve the similar access restrictions with onlyVaultManagers without creating your own modifier

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

weth address won't change. Should be hardcoded as constant and public if you need the getter

remove from param:

can be removed:

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

question: why add 1 here?

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

Is there particular bytecode size savings with this pattern? Also the param for the internal method doesn't seem necessary

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

looks like you can reuse liquidatePosition() here

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

I think you can do this calculation at the end and just combine it with the profit recalc. This way, the profit can be used to repay any potential non-zero loss

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

If I'm reading this correctly, this seems like an odd way to enforce minAmounts returned from a swap. Wouldn't this require you to custom set an amount every harvest? A better way would be to use a price quote from IConverter and reduce that amount by x% or whatever price impact/slippage is tolerable

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

question: what could cause this?

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

set these to onlyVaultManagers

decaf-addict commented 2 years ago

Redundant. If you don't override the method at all, it'll just use the parent function, which is what calling super. is doing

massun-onibakuchi commented 2 years ago

Seems this is used in several places even on a single harvest call. Can user actions (e.g. deposit/withdraw) directly impact the idle token virtual price?

Virtual price would be changed based on net asset value and idle token totalSupply. Possibly I can remove this modifier.

massun-onibakuchi commented 2 years ago

question: what could cause this?

lastVirtualPrice <= currentTokenPrice will be true when

question: why add 1 here?

My guess as to the intent of the original Emiliano's code is to cover rounding errors. According to BaseStrategy#estimatedTotalAsset

This value should be higher than its expected value to be "safe".

massun-onibakuchi commented 2 years ago

Is there particular bytecode size savings with this pattern? Also the param for the internal method doesn't seem necessary

I added this internal function to avoid reading repeatedly want by using SLOAD. I would like to remove the external function rather than the internal function

massun-onibakuchi commented 2 years ago

If I'm reading this correctly, this seems like an odd way to enforce minAmounts returned from a swap. Wouldn't this require you to custom set an amount every harvest? A better way would be to use a price quote from IConverter and reduce that amount by x% or whatever price impact/slippage is tolerable

yeah I know what you mean. When I have asked about the handling of slippage, I have gotten the following response

How do you know what the price should be? When you do it manually on uniswap you set the slippage based on the current price which uniswap then checks at the block you get mined.

That means you can’t use normal slippage checks on the same block. You need to find some other way to check what the price should be. Stuff like steth accumulator assumes a 1-1 price and calculates slippage off that. Another option is to use an oracle service like chain link. But they all have their issues

ref:yearn school tg

so I made a setter for amount of output instead of x%.

because harvest transaction will be sent via flashbot RPC, I recognize that slippage is not much of a problem. actually not a few strategies allows 100% slippage (minimum output 0). In this case this can be accomplished by not setting a minimum amount. (initial mapping value is 0).

bugduino commented 2 years ago

Seems this is used in several places even on a single harvest call. Can user actions (e.g. deposit/withdraw) directly impact the idle token virtual price?

Virtual price would be changed based on net asset value and idle token totalSupply. Possibly I can remove this modifier.

I think that this could be useful in case of hacks on Idle side, so to avoid depositing in a potentially hacked pool

vany365 commented 2 years ago

Repo has been migrated. Please see above. Per idle team it is ready for review. Once its established we will close this ticket. Thanks