IgorSadoune / algorithmic-collusion-and-the-minimum-price-markov-game

Repo associated with the paper: Algorithmic Collusion And The Minimum Price Markov Game
MIT License
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algorithmic-game-theory multiagent-reinforcement-learning prisoners-dilemma

Table of Contents

Paper Abstract

This paper introduces the Minimum Price Markov Game (MPMG), a theoretical model that reasonably approximates real-world first-price sealed-bid public auctions following the minimum price rule. The goal is to provide researchers and practitioners with a framework to study market fairness and regulation in both digitized and non-digitized public procurement processes, amid growing concerns about algorithmic collusion in online markets. Using multi-agent reinforcement learning-driven artificial agents, we demonstrate that (i) the MPMG is a reliable model for first-price market dynamics, (ii) the minimum price rule is generally resilient to non-engineered tacit coordination among rational actors, and (iii) when tacit coordination occurs, it relies heavily on self-reinforcing trends. These findings contribute to the ongoing debate about algorithmic pricing and its implications.

Project Structure

run_all.sh                      # Run all experiments and plots script for Linux/Mac
run_all.bat                     # Run all experiments and plots script for Windows
LICENSE                         # MIT License
.gitignore                      # Ignore directories and files for Git
README.md                       # Description and usage guide
requirements.txt                # Dependencies list
src/                            # Source directory
├── config.yaml                 # Configuration file for experiments and models' hyperparameters
├── logs/                       # Contains experiments' .log files
├── metrics/                    # Contains training and evaluation metrics JSON files
├── plots/                      # Contains figures
├── modules/                    # Module directory
│   ├── agents/                 # MARL agents
│   │   ├── mappo_agent.py      # Multi-Agent Proximal Policy Optimization
│   │   ├── d3qn_agent.py       # Double Deep Q-network
│   │   ├── eg_agent.py         # Epsilon Greedy bandit
│   │   ├── ts_agent.py         # Thompson Sampling bandit
│   │   └── ucb_agent.py        # Upper Confidence Bound bandit
│   ├── mpmg.py                 # Minimum Price Markov Game environment
│   ├── trainer.py              # General trainer class
|   ├── plotter.py              # Plotting module
│   └── utils.py                # Utility methods
└── scripts/                    # Scripts directory
    ├── plot.py                 # Plotting control script
    └── main.py                 # Experiment control script



(Via command line)

Download or Clone the Repository

Git clone or manual download via https://github.com/IgorSadoune/Algorithmic-Collusion-and-the-Minimum-Price-Markov-Game.git.

Virtual Environment (optional but recommended)

  1. Create a virtual environment from the root directory:
  1. Activate the virtual environment using:

The virtual environment always needs to be activated when executing files from this repository.

Install the Required Dependencies:

The required python libraries are listed in the "requirements.txt" file. Those can directly be downloaded to your virtual environment (or root system if venv not setup) by executing

pip install -r requirements.txt

If for some reason an error occurs with one package, the following commands will allow you to install the subsequent packages in the list:

I do not provide support for Windows users utilizing PowerShell 5.



To run the experiments, for Linux/Mac users, execute in terminal from the root directory:

bash run_all.sh

and for Windows users:


This command will produce the log.log, metrics.json, and plot.png files.

Computational Considerations (with default hyperparamters)

There are 24 experiments as each of the 6 agent classes used in the paper are tested on 4 configurations of the MPMG. Among the 24 experiments, 12 are conducted on the 2-player MPMG and 12 on the 5-player MPMG, that is, 84 agents are trained over 100 replications of 100 training episodes, for a total 840,000 training iterations (optimization always uses stochastic gradient ascent).

Hyperparameter Configuration

Default configuration is stored in src/config.yaml, where the file can be accessed and modified.

Specific Experiment

To run a specific experiment, for example, MAPPO agents playing the 5-player heterogeneous MPMG, use the following command:

python3 src/scripts/main.py --num_agents 5 --sigma_beta 0.5 --agent_name "mappo"

for Linux/MAC users and

python src/scripts/main.py --num_agents 5 --sigma_beta 0.5 --agent_name "mappo"

for Windows users.

Experiment Parameter Description


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Igor Sadoune - igor.sadoune@polymtl.ca