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Docker Ports #4

Open smilinazzo opened 1 month ago

smilinazzo commented 1 month ago


Interesting that you are publishing port to the host. Can you explain your reasoning for this?

Ikshi commented 1 month ago

@smilinazzo I’ve used port binding to the host to avoid ports conflicts as some containers are using same port 9997 and the different/separate containers need to communicate with each other over the host network.

smilinazzo commented 1 month ago

Each port 9997 is internal to the container that is running each service. So, there should be no conflicts.

Are we sure they are communicating over the host network?

With your compose file, you have a number of services: target_1, target_2, agent, and splitter. When you start those services with docker-compose up, what are the steps that Docker-Compose takes?

Ikshi commented 1 month ago

okay noted. Sorry for my misunderstanding here. They are not communicating over the host network but the docker network, and there won't be any port conflicts. Port binding can be used to access the container from the host machine such as localhost: or to ssh in a container from the host machine.

Firstly, docker-compose will read the compose file and check all the configurations, services, networks, volumes etc.. then it will check if any service depends on each other and start the services accordingly. It will then build or pull images and create a network. Then it will creates the volumes and finally starts the containers. Finally, it will add the logs and monitor the lifecycle of the services.