ImperialCollegeLondon / covid19model

Code for modelling estimated deaths and cases for COVID19.
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Add 10 Latin American countries; consider curfew and partial quarantines #68

Closed leonardo-calcagno closed 4 years ago

leonardo-calcagno commented 4 years ago

Dear all, thank you for your work. My name is Leonardo Calcagno, I am a Doctor in Economics from the University of Orleans (France) and am currently working in Argentina's National Audit Office (AGN). Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I worked on running the model with the Latin American countries /territories that reported 10 or more COVID19 deaths by 15 Aprtil 2020: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Puerto Rico. The full process, from cloning version 1 up to where I am right now, is on my Github Page

Describe the solution you'd like

Describe alternatives you've considered I ran three types of simulations: 1- pooling Latin American and European countries together, with version 1 covariates 2- pooling only among Latin American countries, with version 1 covariates 3- pooling only among Latin American countries, with School Closure, Public events banned, lockdown, curfew and partial quarantine as covariates

I found when pooled with European countries, Latin American lockdown measures brought contagion rates below 1; whereas, when pooled only between Latin American countries, lockdown measures were less effective. I am not sure whether this is due to differences in classification, to the fact European countries are in a more advanced stage of the epidemic, or whether lockdown measures are less effective in Latin America.

More generally, why not distinguish between hard and soft lockdown, or partial and full quarantine, in European countries as well?

Additional context Here I put figures for Brazil respectively pooled with European countries; pooled only between Latin American countries; and pooled between Latin American countries with specific covariates. Brazil Pooled with European countries

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Pooled with Latin American countries, same covariates as version 1

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Pooled with Latin American countries, specific covariates

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Capture d’écran 2020-04-15 à 19 55 42
s-mishra commented 4 years ago

Hi @leonardo-calcagno, great work :) It is not that we have not tried partial and full lockdowns but having them as measures means for each country you need to curate a lot more and more importantly each partial lockdown is different depending on each region.

On your second point why with Europe you more decline compared without it. The answer is this is a full pooling model and the full pool model assumes the same behavior across different regions hence countries with more advanced epidemics drive the results. However, we will soon release a partial pool model which will solve the issue effectively.

On the third point of IFR calculations, any calculation that doesn't go through full methodology of using a contact matrix is not something we can merge to the master. However, my hope is with partial pooling model out, this can be added as a different folder.

leonardo-calcagno commented 4 years ago

Hi @s-mishra thank you for your swift and useful answers. I understand, I look forward to the partial pooling model, if at that point I can lend you a hand feel free to contact me.