IndEcol / IE_data_commons

Code and documentation for a commons of structured industrial ecology data
MIT License
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Unable to view database schema code, to test creation on local machine #2

Closed tmillross closed 6 years ago

tmillross commented 6 years ago

I'm attempting to create the database on my local machine. The readme states:

This repository contains: mySQL code and Excel templates to create the (empty) database on any machine (folder mySQL_Create)

However _mySQLCreate appears to only contain the Excel template files.

Folder _IEDC_contentfill appears to include SQL code to enable viewing (and hence copying) table schemas via a series of SHOW CREATE TABLE statements.

Connecting to the hosted database to run these statements requires a password:

import IEDC_PW ... conn = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user=IEDC_PW.IEDC_write_access_user, passwd=IEDC_PW.IEDC_write_access_user_PW, db='iedc', autocommit=True, charset='utf8')

I have not been able to find IEDC_PW. [Edit: I now see in #3 that it is excluded with the .gitignore file.] Is an alternative authentication option available? Perhaps the schema accessible elsewhere? Or am I approaching this in the wrong way?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to contributing, Tom

P.s. I'm aware that it's a work-in-progress. Just trying (for now) to check out the data structres!

tmillross commented 6 years ago

I received a username and password to access the Freiburg instance of the database. This enabled migration of the db to a local instance -> closing issue