IndEcol / IE_data_commons

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30. June 2019 -- Files with faulty aspects table #23

Closed nheeren closed 4 years ago

nheeren commented 5 years ago

The following aspect tables need to be verified:

@stefanpauliuk Could you please investigate / fix?

P.S.: More details and successful uploads are documented here:

stefanpauliuk commented 5 years ago

File "1_F_ElectricityGeneration_IEA_HeadlineEnergyData_2016.xlsx" aspect_1 is given as "energy", changed to "energy_carrier" File "1_F_FinalEnergyConsumption_TFC_ByCountryAndSector_IEA_2018.xlsx", aspect_2 is given as "energy", changed to "energy_carrier" 3_MC_Buildings_Heeren_Fishman_ScientificData_2019_V1: Please add the feature described in issue 21 to the upload script. 6_MIP_SI.POV.GINI_WorldBank_2019: aspects 1 is coded in classification 28 (just checked) and aspect 2 needs to matched to attribute3_oto of the general regions classsification 2, here, the template had a mistake, which is now fixed. 6_IMI_EU_Regional_Carbon_Footprint_Ivanova_2017.xlsx: Changed unit from "cap" to "person"

stefanpauliuk commented 5 years ago

6_MIP_SI.POV.GINI_WorldBank_2019, contains many empty cells, Please first add the feature described in issue #21 to the upload script. Updated files now in dropbox.

nheeren commented 5 years ago

Can you please double check if the files have been uploaded correctly? I cannot find them in e.g. Dropbox (Yale_FES)/G7 RECC/Other/IE_Data_Commons_Prototype/NEW_LIST/4_PE_EnergyIntensity_MaterialProduction_Hertwich_2015.xlsx

stefanpauliuk commented 5 years ago

They are in my dropbox and appear as synched. The four files that I changed before the conference are in \Dropbox\G7 RECC\Other\IE_Data_Commons_Prototype\NEW_TABLE and carry July 2nd as last change date. If you can't see them I will email them to you.

nheeren commented 5 years ago

Oh, nevermind! I actually looked in the wrong place. Sorry.

nheeren commented 5 years ago

Today, I tried uploading the files not affected by #21. Here is the result:

@stefanpauliuk Could you please look into 1_F_FinalEnergyConsumption_TFC_ByCountryAndSector_IEA_2018 and 1_F_ElectricityGeneration_IEA_HeadlineEnergyData_2016. I could have changed the electricity source, etc. but I was not 100% sure if I am thinking of the correct ones.

stefanpauliuk commented 4 years ago

Thanks for checking! The missing classification items were added. Please upload again!

nheeren commented 4 years ago

Thank you! Today, I uploaded the following datasets:

Therefore all datasets that are not subject to #21 are uploaded now. Closing this issue -- let's discuss the remaining two datasets over there.