IndEcol / IE_data_commons

Code and documentation for a commons of structured industrial ecology data
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Structural changes of IEDC database #4

Closed stefanpauliuk closed 6 years ago

stefanpauliuk commented 6 years ago

1) in classification_definitions: classification_definition.reserve5: Switch to "CustomFlag": Set True (1) if classification was created from dataset on the fly.

2) in classification_definitions: classification_definition.reserve4: Switch to "BijectiveFlag": Set True (1) if the different attributes provided (if any) have a 1:1 relationship. TRUE for elements, for example (H, Hydrogen, 1 are 1:1:1), FALSE for iso_regions, as its attribute contain continents as well and Both China and Mongolia link to Asia.

3) Switch the following columns to UNIQUE:

stefanpauliuk commented 6 years ago
nheeren commented 6 years ago

Should I make pull requests for the .xlsx files or just add my suggestions to this issue here? See also my suggestion

I suggest adding the following UNIQUE constraints: (more constraints added by S.P., are part of .xlsx master files on Sep 15, 2018)

Column constraints (each column(s) UNIQUE):

Table constraints (across column(s): UNIQUE):

:warning: Instead of adding new comments all the time I will just keep editing this one.

stefanpauliuk commented 6 years ago

I suggest making the following changes to the classification_definitions and classification_items tables (cf. master files):

In the definitions table, add the 'general' column (TRUE if classification is in general use, e.g., chemical elements) and the 'created_from_dataset' column (TRUE if classification is defined by upload script and classification items are populated from dataset. (Full description: see master xlsx file).

In the classification_items table, rename the 'attribute1' to 'attribute4' columns to 'attribute1_oto' to 'attribute4_oto', where 'oto' stands for 'one-to-one', indicating that these four columns are reserved for attributes that form bijective descriptions of the classification items, e.g., chemical element names, atomic numbers, and symbols. Rename the 'attribute5' to 'attribute15' columns to 'attribute5_anc' to 'attribute15_anc' to indicate that these attribute do not need to be 1:1 descriptions of the items but can indicate other relations, such as the aggreation to broader regions or substance groups.

nheeren commented 6 years ago

Looks good. No objections form my side. Should we close the issue for now?