I've made a small test app and tried to test TIdTCPServer+TIdTCPClient and TIdUDPServer+TIdUDPClient connections for exchanging data. The code works fine in Delphi (Windows and Linux) and in Lazarus (Windows only), Lazarus on Linux works with errors, TIdIOHandler.ReadStream cannot detect available data, in UDP connection some weird protocol number somehow appears (neither ipv4 nor ipv6). Does it make sense to create an issue providing the sample app or better just accept that Indy doesn't work properly with Lazarus on Linux?
I've made a small test app and tried to test TIdTCPServer+TIdTCPClient and TIdUDPServer+TIdUDPClient connections for exchanging data. The code works fine in Delphi (Windows and Linux) and in Lazarus (Windows only), Lazarus on Linux works with errors, TIdIOHandler.ReadStream cannot detect available data, in UDP connection some weird protocol number somehow appears (neither ipv4 nor ipv6). Does it make sense to create an issue providing the sample app or better just accept that Indy doesn't work properly with Lazarus on Linux?