Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-consent

GitHub repository for the OSLO trajectory "consent"
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Seppe Vansteelant: Does the use of Delegation take the Belgian legislation into account? #36

Open michaelgeamanu opened 1 year ago

michaelgeamanu commented 1 year ago

Voor wat de entiteit ‘Delegation’ betreft zal je rekening moeten houden met de gebruikelijke Belgische regels van vertegenwoordiging (wettelijk, gerechtelijk of conventioneel) lijkt me, om na te gaan of iemand rechtsgeldig voor een andere persoon toestemming kan verlenen.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

This seems to be an implementation issue rather than a modelling issue. Delegation just means that someone else is asked for and/or has given Consent for the DataSubject. Implementations should make sure that the proper Persons are allowed to be delegates for the Datasubject by means of proper identification and checks of their delegation rights. The latter can be provided by the Consent.isContingentOn association with Criterion.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

REMARK: in DPV there is another way to deal with Delegation. Via Consent.isIndicatedBy the Person who actually gave the Consent can be given. And this can be different of the DataSubject, the person whose PersonalData is being handled. The relation between both persons (like isParentFrom and alike) is given by hasRelationWithDataSubject. In our remapping excersise (see issue #46) the model was adpated as such.