Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-consent

GitHub repository for the OSLO trajectory "consent"
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Mixing of DPV-OWL and DPV-SKOS #55

Open dimi-schepers opened 11 months ago

dimi-schepers commented 11 months ago

DPV is serialized in both OWL as well as SKOS.

OSLO Consent is currently mixing the use of both serializations by using dpv-owl properties but recommending dpv-skos as the value for those properties. See e.g.

Since each dpv-skos:Concept also has an equivalent dpv-owl:Class, I was wondering whether this can be considered as good practice? See e.g. versus

Notice also that dpvo:hasConsentStatus has dpvo:ConsentStatus as range and not dpvs:ConsentStatus.