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Geomon data fetching - Add "validity" column in position table #13

Open guillaumeVolery opened 2 years ago

guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

Current behavior:

If a position .pos file does not contain any position sample, or if there isn't any sample having Q=1, the position file is ignored and not stored in the database.

The following messages are printed on the console by the fetching function:

New requirement:

All position files must be stored in the files table. Moreover, a new validity column (enum type) shall be added to the positions table in order to differentiate the following enumeration of cases:

  1. valid -> .pos file contains enough position samples with Q = 1.
  2. no_samples -> .pos file doesn't contain any position sample (empty).
  3. too_less_samples -> .pos file doesn't contain enough (< 12) samples with Q = 1.
guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

Column added in commit 4262642

Validity management to be done.

guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

According @VincentSchlageter, validity column to be removed.