InnohVateur / RandomMoons

A Lethal Company mod that let you go to a randomly chosen moon, for free !
MIT License
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Auto start Always active ft. lethal config... issue(?) #12

Open Omegathenotsofunnyman opened 1 month ago

Omegathenotsofunnyman commented 1 month ago

The name says it all. Auto start even when set to false is always active, to clarify i mean that the ship will always travel to the planet upon exploring even with AutoStart set to false in configs.

i know this isn't a mod conflict, by that I'm using this with literally only the dependencies.

Oh and another being that the mod does not work without lethal config enabled so i would like to ask you to put it in dependencies if this is intended.

Dust29 commented 1 month ago

The lethal config thing is indeed a blunder from my part, I'l fix it For the auto start, Are you host when the bug happens ?

Omegathenotsofunnyman commented 1 month ago

Are you host when the bug happens ?

I was indeed hosting, but it seems you guys have it under control