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Insight Toolkit (ITK) -- Official Repository. ITK builds on a proven, spatially-oriented architecture for processing, segmentation, and registration of scientific images in two, three, or more dimensions.
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Documentation warnings about large graphs #5184

Closed albert-github closed 1 week ago

albert-github commented 3 weeks ago


When creating the documentation (locally, as I don't see them on cdash,, might be that I'm missing there something) we get the warnings:

warning: Included by graph for 'itkImageToImageFilter.h' not generated, too many nodes (153), threshold is 150. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
warning: Inheritance graph for 'itk::ImageToImageFilter' not generated, too many nodes (209), threshold is 150. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.
warning: Inheritance graph for 'itk::Object' not generated, too many nodes (243), threshold is 150. Consider increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES.

Expected information

No warning

Actual information

See Description


Current master: acaddf4e78

Additional Information

There are the solutions

For a full list of the available commands and their documentation see For a full list of commands and the doxygen version in which they are introduced see

dzenanz commented 2 weeks ago

Increasing DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES seems like the right solution. There are many issues you have identified over the last few days, and in most of them you suggested a solution. Thank you!

Is there any chance you could produce a patch (or patch set) which applies the suggestions? If you are still having trouble creating a PR, zipping up the patch (set) and sharing it in a comment would work.

albert-github commented 2 weeks ago

Indeed I've been a bit busy and I still have problems with creating a PR, for a number of issues it would be possible for me to generate a patch (Unix diff format that can be applied with the patch command) and provide it as a comment in a zip file.

There are a number of issues though where there is first some advise necessary (like you have given here in the comment

I'll see what I can do.

albert-github commented 2 weeks ago

Proposed patch: diff.patch