Closed rbakker closed 1 week ago
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@kindlmann This seems obvious. Do you agree? I assume we are not frequently running into nrrdSpaceLeftAnteriorSuperior
case, so this managed to survive for so many years.
@rbakker Thanks for reporting this. Can we please add a test that demonstrates the issue and so that issues of this kind do not go unnoticed ever again?
I agree that the code as is looks wrong, and I agree with the fix.
The NRRD file format provides for world-space being nrrdSpaceLeftAnteriorSuperior as a shout-out to old (pre-NiFTI) Analyze files.
I don't have any such files handy now, and to be honest I don't remember testing that particular code on such files when I wrote it so long ago.
Are there any old Analyze datasets (containing known anatomy) in their original form, rather than datasets generated by modern tools, that could be used to authentically test this?
The origin can be vtkTeemNRRDReader.cxx, L488-L491, there it is correct for the Slicer's RAS space
case nrrdSpaceLeftAnteriorSuperior:
spaceDir[0] *= -1; // L -> R
this->NRRDWorldToRasMatrix->SetElement(0, 0, -1);
@rbakker can you link here to the "nrrdImageIO, line 490" file so I can see the "blame"/commit history?
I now put links to nrrdImageIO in the original post.
Ok thanks. Hmmm - the lines in question are "blamed" on @blowekamp from a change in 2012, about a memory management issue ("Fix leak in NrrdIO when file doesn't exit") but I don't think that consequentially changed the behavior of the lines handling nrrdSpaceLeftAnteriorSuperior. How do we track down their real origin? (I'm guessing it was me, but want to be sure).
Still, the right way to test this is to find some vintage Analyze files and watch how ITK's NrrdIO is handling it.
Here is how to follow blame chain on GitHub:
After two steps we end here: which means that the original contribution from 2005 already had the bug.
Okay. Your last link is about Commit 15372e8, which seems to be from Bill Lorensen. Sigh. I can still hear his laugh.
I will always be grateful for how Bill pushed me to think hard about how to represent image orientation in NRRD, which is what led to the creation of the "space" field that gives anatomical semantics to the world-space, and the "space direction" and "space origin" fields that, in that world-space, give the per axis inter-sample offsets, and the location of the first sample. That allowed NRRD to cleanly separate index-space from world-space, and I've been continuing to rely on that every day since then.
In any case, there does seem to be a bug. @rbakker what data or process led to you running into this bug? Did it start with a vintage Analyze file?
I used SimpleITK to convert a Nifti1 file to NRRD and then Three.js NRRDImageLoader to display the volume. This gave me an orientation error and made me look in both the ITK source code and Three.js addon source code. The NRRD file produced by ITK had space=LeftPosteriorSuperior, and modified the Nifti1 affine matrix (in RAS orientation) correctly. So the bug I was looking for was not in ITK. But then I saw the code for LeftAnteriorSuperior and that is obviously wrong. But I do not have a particular file to test it.
At the risk of needlessly prolonging this @rbakker: if your Nifti1 file had orientation specified in the RAS world-space (as you mention above), then why does that implicate a line in ITK for handling LAS world-space?
Can you explain in more detail what you think is the chronology of the different files, pieces of software, and world-spaces involved? What was actually touching on LAS space?
I know from sad experience that this kind of coordinate errors are sometimes fixed by adding a negation until things look right, but I also know that it only adds mystery and future frustration to things that take time to understand thoroughly. This isn't really my code to be concerned about, but now that it has my attention, and maybe just for posterity, I want to be better convinced that this modification actually a fix for the issue that started this.
Related to this issue is the clear communication of the anatomical orientation in an unambiguous fashion. This new ITK class may be of interest:
why does that implicate a line in ITK for handling LAS world-space
It doesn't, it is just near. And when he saw the bug, he reported.
Uh. Again, not my codebase, but I would not change something that my own experience/tests are not directly touching on. We don't know what other tools or workflows might be using RAS space, and relying on the current functionality.
But this is the rather rare LAS space that is being impacted.
why does that implicate a line in ITK for handling LAS world-space
It doesn't, it is just near. And when he saw the bug, he reported.
This is right, I just saw this bug in the code when I looked for something else nearby.
In nrrdImageIO, line 490, it reads: """ case nrrdSpaceLeftAnteriorSuperior: spaceDir[0] *= -1; // R -> L iFlipFactors[0] = -1; break; case nrrdSpaceLeftPosteriorSuperior: // no change needed break; """
But if the standard space in ITK is LeftPosteriorSuperior, then to go to LeftAnteriorSuperior a change is needed in spaceDir[1], not spaceDir[0]. So the code should be:
""" case nrrdSpaceLeftAnteriorSuperior: spaceDir[1] *= -1; // A -> P iFlipFactors[1] = -1; break; case nrrdSpaceLeftPosteriorSuperior: // no change needed break; """
The issue occurs twice in the same file, also on nrrdImageIO, line 539.
Steps to Reproduce
Have not tested this bug, it is already obvious from the code.
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
Additional Information