Instabug / Instabug-Android

In-app feedback and bug reporting tool for apps.
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Kotlin Multiplatform support #471

Open dzmitreydanilov opened 5 months ago

dzmitreydanilov commented 5 months ago

Hello, Do you have plans to support koltin multiplatform?

Bashayer-reda commented 5 months ago

Hello, @dzmitreydanilov I'm eager to assist you, but I'd like to get a bit more information. Could you please share additional details or elaborate on your question?

dzmitreydanilov commented 5 months ago

@Bashayer-reda Hello, currently I'm planning to migrate the app to KMP and I'm looking for a solution that will help me provide meaningful crash stack trace from shared code for iOs application.

Just wonder do you have any suggestions on how can I achieve it using Instabug? The problem was explained in the article

Maybe it is the wrong repo for the issue/question, navigate me to the right place if it is the case, please.