Instant-Visio / InstantVisio-WebApp

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Design guidelines #184

Open MattiaPrimavera opened 4 years ago

MattiaPrimavera commented 4 years ago

What design guidelines is the project currently following ?

If this wasn't structured yet, what about using Material design ? There's a nice react library providing a Country select widget including search feature. Would that make the case for #119 ?

ntchou commented 4 years ago

We use components from react bootstap. We also use styled components and mdi for the icons

MattiaPrimavera commented 4 years ago

I just saw a discussion where you made a similar suggestion @ntchou was recently closed. In my opinion, we would have some advantages in using material-ui library, it seems to me that it

HugoGresse commented 4 years ago

it's true material ui has a lot in it, but it also had a lot of overhead to the bundle size, and doesn't have everything in it. On the other way, bootstrap is very light weight. Guidelines are not rules and no app need to stricly follow them. I'm not against using material-ui, but the advantages in our case to rewrite everything is very low.

MattiaPrimavera commented 4 years ago

Mmm ... but what about ionic-react POC ? For instance I need a widget to display the left drawer menu, and it feels like bootstrap react does not propose that, should I