International-Soil-Radiocarbon-Database / ISRaD

Repository for the development and release of ISRaD data and tools
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Shiny app QA/QC referencing CRAN version of ISRaD? #255

Closed jb388 closed 1 year ago

jb388 commented 2 years ago


The online QA/QC tool isn't working properly, and I suspect it's because it is referencing the CRAN version of ISRaD rather than the version on master in the github repo. Do you think you could check it out and fix it? My recollection is that you are the only one with write access for updating the app. Please correct me if I am wrong!

jb388 commented 1 year ago


This issue persists. I think we talked about it, but I forget what the solution was. Anyway, maybe we can chat about it next week?