International-Soil-Radiocarbon-Database / ISRaD

Repository for the development and release of ISRaD data and tools
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Overlapping/duplicate depths within a profile #265

Closed jb388 closed 1 year ago

jb388 commented 1 year ago

Layers with overlapping or duplicate depths within the same profile create issues when aggregating data. Based on earlier discussions of what constitutes a profile, I suggest that going forward, QA/QC should flag these profiles.

I don't think there are many of these profiles in the current version of ISRaD, but I recently ran across one (Gentsch_2018), so there may be more. In this case the authors had sampled multiple layers from a large pit face in order to better characterize the heterogeneity of the soil profile. I reassigned the original profile IDs to the plot level, and assigned the overlapping or duplicate depths to separate profiles. I added a note at the profile level to clarify this change.

Any thoughts about disallowing these sorts of overlapping profiles going forward? Any objections to implementing an official check in QA/QC?