IonDen / ion.rangeSlider

jQuery only range slider
MIT License
2.56k stars 508 forks source link

\plugins\ion-rangeslider\ion.rangeSlider.css.shim.ngstyle.ts Unexpected token (9:19) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. #581

Closed kolte closed 4 years ago

kolte commented 6 years ago

ERROR in ./$$_gendir/wwwroot/assets/plugins/ion-rangeslider/ion.rangeSlider.css.shim.ngstyle.ts Module parse failed:

kolte commented 6 years ago

I am getting this error when I try to publish the angular project, I am using webpack to bundle js and angular 4. Any idea/help please?

IonDen commented 5 years ago

Hi, i think where is an Angular wrapper for Ion.RangeSlider. Check this: