IronPdf / Iron-Pdf-Documentation

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IronPdf does not work using docker and K9s in Azure. #12

Open moialbla opened 4 years ago

moialbla commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to deploy the iron-pdf using a microservice inside of a Docker and pushing into K8s in Azure. The problem is that when I'm trying to use the library the following exception throws:

Something went wrong and wasn't handled' IronPdf.Exceptions.IronPdfProductException: IronPDF: An error occurred while initializing the engine with the temporary directory ''. ---> System.Exception: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path') --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at IronPdf.Installation.앗(String ) at IronPdf.Installation.get_TempFolderPath()

I was searching for documentation about that but only the docker documentation I saw and also I was trying to create a volume inside of K8s and refer it and I'm still having the same problem...

if (Installation.TempFolderPath == null || Installation.TempFolderPath.Equals(string.Empty)) { Installation.TempFolderPath = "/tmp"; this.logger.LogDebug("IronPdf does not have the temp folder path."); }

Any ideas? Thank you in advance

iron-production-team commented 2 years ago

Did you contact the support team and raise a ticket?