Ironhack-data-bcn-oct-2022 / project-II-pipelines

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Marc Calvente #2

Open marccalvente opened 2 years ago

marccalvente commented 2 years ago

samuelTAIronhack commented 2 years ago

Great work Marc.

Awesome job getting creative doing the visualisation on the map (image). This week we will see how you can do this on an actual map with Geo Pandas.

Story telling

The file was started off great, decent introduction and specification of what you want to do and what needs to be considered. I am missing a bigger conclusion though. Try to be more conclusive about your findings although they might not line up with your hypothesis.


`fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (7.237,15))

ax.set_xlim(BoundBox[0],BoundBox[1]) ax.set_ylim(BoundBox[2],BoundBox[3]) `

See if you can remove these.


samuelTAIronhack commented 2 years ago

Also thumbs-up on the organisation of your files! Looks really clean and organised!