IsaiahPetrichor / ecommerce

Petrichor Coffee, E-Commerce PERN Application
2 stars 1 forks source link

Petrichor Coffee Professionals


Petrichor coffee is a ecommerce website providing a fully featured e-store experience. Bringing everything from an encrypted database using JSON Web Tokens for authentication, to a central products database offering persistant carts, and user profiles with fully editable data.

This project is deployed on a free plan on Render, it takes a minute or more to spin up a server instance. View the live deployment on Render

Check out the API Documentation

Quick Start Guide

  1. To get started first make sure you have Node V1.17^ and PostgreSQL V14^ installed.
  2. Clone repository to your local disk
  3. Create a postgres database and run all of the 'CREATE TABLE' commands in /database/database.sql in order
  4. In the root directory, add a .ENV file with the same formatting as .ENV_EXAMPLE. input information for your local database
  5. Open the root directory in a command line console and run the commands 'npm install' then 'npm run local'
  6. Open the /client directory in another console, run the commands 'npm install' then 'npm start'
  7. If the app doesn't open in your browser automatically, go to localhost at port 5000 (unless otherwise specified in .ENV)

Front-End Stack

- TypeScript
- React
- React Router
- Browser Session Storage

Back-End Stack

- Javascript
- PostgreSQL
- Express
- Node
- Bcrypt
- JSON Web Tokens
- Swagger Open API