Petrichor Coffee Professionals
Petrichor coffee is a ecommerce website providing a fully featured e-store experience. Bringing everything from an encrypted database using JSON Web Tokens for authentication, to a central products database offering persistant carts, and user profiles with fully editable data.
This project is deployed on a free plan on Render, it takes a minute or more to spin up a server instance.
View the live deployment on Render
Check out the API Documentation
Quick Start Guide
- To get started first make sure you have Node V1.17^ and PostgreSQL V14^ installed.
- Clone repository to your local disk
- Create a postgres database and run all of the 'CREATE TABLE' commands in /database/database.sql in order
- In the root directory, add a .ENV file with the same formatting as .ENV_EXAMPLE. input information for your local database
- Open the root directory in a command line console and run the commands 'npm install' then 'npm run local'
- Open the /client directory in another console, run the commands 'npm install' then 'npm start'
- If the app doesn't open in your browser automatically, go to localhost at port 5000 (unless otherwise specified in .ENV)
Front-End Stack
- TypeScript
- React
- React Router
- Browser Session Storage
Back-End Stack
- Javascript
- PostgreSQL
- Express
- Node
- Bcrypt
- JSON Web Tokens
- Swagger Open API