ItsEcholot / ContainerNursery

Puts Docker Containers to sleep and wakes them back up when they're needed
MIT License
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Container Nursery docker image not working on ARM #36

Closed kn-f closed 1 year ago

kn-f commented 1 year ago

Existing docker image is not working on ARM machines probably due to the fact that the image is built just for x86 machines.

As a temporary workaround I'm using this Dockerfile:

FROM node:alpine

RUN apk add --no-cache git

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN git clone .
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

CMD ["node", "build/index.js"]

And this as docker-compose.yml:

      context: .
    image: containernursery
    container_name: containernursery
      - proxy
      - '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
      - '/home/xxxx/xxxx/config:/usr/src/app/config'
      com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: false

    restart: unless-stopped

    external: true

Hope this helps ARM users as the application is extremely useful on low RAM devices.

EDIT: Corrected formatting & typos

ItsEcholot commented 1 year ago

Good idea, I will look into creating an image compatible with ARM.

ItsEcholot commented 1 year ago

I built a multiarch image (docker pull Could you try it and report if everything is working as expected? If so I will publish all future update with amd64 and arm64 multi-architecture support.

kn-f commented 1 year ago

Works like a charm! (BTW I'm on an aarch64 architecture) I'm not going to use this image at the moment due to the issue in #37. Once that's solved I'll switch to this image.

ItsEcholot commented 1 year ago

Glad to hear it. arm64 and aarch64 should be the same, no?

kn-f commented 1 year ago

Correct :)