J2Kbr / GtunerIV

Gtuner IV - Titan Two's software bug report.
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Issue with plugging a second controller into the PC kills the R2 & L2 input. #422

Open J2Kbr opened 2 years ago

J2Kbr commented 2 years ago

Hi! I\'m experiencing an issue with GtunerIV / Titan Two where plugging a second controller into the PC kills the R2 & L2 input. I\'ve tracked the issue across multiple PCs, multiple Titan devices, and with multiple controllers (all Xbox One). It also occurs when connecting the controllers via Parsec as well as plugged into the machine locally. With one connected controller, all input works fine. If KMG Capture is still running when I connect the second controller, input continues to work. If I stop the capture or say, open a second instance to connect to a second device, when I restart capture all input works except R2 & L2. The KMG Capture tool reads that reports are being sent but no input is detected by the device monitor or the connected console. This was working last week but now does not since the update.