JAYESHBATRA / Virtuo-Learn

Virtuo Learn is a platform that provides immersive learning experiences like never before. It offers simulations, 3D visualizations, customized quizzes, doubt engine, and videos, all in one place.
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3d education gssoc simulations vr

Virtuo- Learn

Welcome to Virtuo-Learn , it is a platform that provides immersive learning experiences like never before. It offers simulations, 3D visualizations, customized quizzes, doubt engine, and videos, all in one place.


🔗 Links




Vercel: https://virtuo-learn.vercel.app


Tech Stack

Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScipt, THREE.JS, Matter.JS, P5.JS

Setup Guide

1). First fork the repository 2). Clone the project locally using :

   git clone https://github.com/User-name/Virtuo-Learn.git

3). Open terminal and run command:

   cd Virtuo-Learn

4). Add remote using command:

  git remote add origin https://github.com/User-name/Virtuo-Learn.git

5). Setup upstream using command

 git remote add upstream https://github.com/JAYESHBATRA/Virtuo-Learn.git

6). Make sure you have Live Server extension installed on your code editor if you're using vs-code. 7). Finally run index.html using Go live.

Screen Shots

1 5 4 3 2

Project Contributors🫂

Contributing is fun🧡

Contributions are always welcome! 🎉


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at jayeshbatra1@gmail.com