JGantts / Children-of-Capillata

Series of metarooms for the game Docking Station.
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

Door issues #8

Closed JGantts closed 6 years ago

JGantts commented 6 years ago

Submitted by Arnout http://creaturescaves.com/forum.php?view=12&thread=6830

Creatures that try to travel by door in the CoC metarooms seem to get stuck in an endless loop of pushing the doors until they get tired. Could it be that the doors don't give Creatures a 'wait stimulus' (75) between activation and opening of the door?

JGantts commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/gantt42/Children-of-Capillata/commit/a8a2f1776a536a218364638b8e61668700176c5a should fix

JGantts commented 6 years ago

May I suggest making sure that every single door gives Creatures the aforementioned wait stimulus (75) when activated, and then a 'traveled through door' stimulus (95) when the animation is over and the Creature has gone through it? -Arnout

So when a creature pushes a door and goes through it, the process should go [stim 75][anim open][move creature][anim close][stim 95], right? And that order is so that they freeze while the door is animating and then they learn from their actions; or is there something I'm not seeing? Should I do the same thing for creatures that are moved when the hand clicks on the door? -Zzzzoot


JGantts commented 6 years ago

So when a creature pushes a door and goes through it, the process should go [stim 75][anim open][move creature][anim close][stim 95], right? And that order is so that they freeze while the door is animating and then they learn from their actions; or is there something I'm not seeing? Should I do the same thing for creatures that are moved when the hand clicks on the door?

Almost. If I am not mistaken, Creatures gain a 95 stimulus right after they are transferred through the door, but mind you that the script needs to remain locked until the door has finished it's closing animation. When activated by the hand, all Creatures within a certain range are transferred through the door. They do not require any of the two stimuli as they weren't the ones that activated the door in the first place. However, (if you have no choice) giving Creatures a 95 stimulus after travelling through a door this way wouldn't be harmful.

I will implement the doors with both stimuli. Another important thing that's easy to mess up, haha. Wouldn't it make sense though to stim 95 to all creatures going through the door? So they'll know they traveled. That's what the DS doors do, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the right way. (C3 has the lift bug after all)

JGantts commented 6 years ago

Decided to do it w/o stimuli when the hand activates door. I need to look up more about how norns' brains work

JGantts commented 6 years ago

a7c7e1684e9c41b86d4e60c159b1587c268f65b7 should fix

JGantts commented 6 years ago

Some doors in the metarooms (mainly the smaller ones: Like the one in Morpheri or the ones that lead from the Meso to the Hub and back) have such a fast animation that Creatures have trouble picking up the wait stimulus before they're transferred through the door. This causes them to repeatedly push the doors as if there was no waiting stimulus at all. I could be wrong, but you may be able to address that by either slowing the animation of the door down after activation, or by adding in a short wait period (wait 15 for instance) before the opening animation starts.

JGantts commented 6 years ago

74546be1b484f5cdf176312d6c976944b83a4f48 and 67fa7a277ba3d3101ce82511fe137c295c0e4b49 should fix