JJBOY / BMN-Boundary-Matching-Network

A pytorch-version implementation codes of paper: "BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation", which is accepted in ICCV 2019.
MIT License
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some questions... #51

Open jojolee123 opened 2 years ago

jojolee123 commented 2 years ago
  1. What is the meaning of featureframe,is it randomly extract from video then extract feature and reshape to (400,100)?
  2. i have generated featurefrom video,and i extract per frame from 200ms,the length of feature is unfixed because of unfixed video,how can i make its length to be fixed ?
  3. my dataset is hoi video,so the orginal label is (subject,object,relation),but in this project ,the label is action ,how can i present it?
  4. the means of temeporal_scale?
jojolee123 commented 2 years ago

1 i still dont kown....but itis 16 int times and close to video_frame?? 2 intepolation resize 3 i make each relation turple as a label ,for example: baby_eat_food