JK3Y / NPS-Browser-macOS

macOS version of NPS Browser
The Unlicense
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Issue with bookmark stars and preview image #38

Closed Sir-Charles closed 5 years ago

Sir-Charles commented 5 years ago

So after doing a database refresh, the yellow stars get removed from the titles I bookmarked. The titles actually remain in the bookmarks window list, but now you have to hit the minus to remove them from the list, and checking the bookmark star again will add another instance of that title to the list.

Another minor issue I noticed is that the sizing box for the image preview always starts out being closed/minimized when opening or restarting the app, it doesn't keep it's last position like the main window does. And with 1.4.2 the preview can't be enlarged beyond a certain point, staying quite small.

Actually for some reason the preview images stopped showing at all, not even the placeholder image.. I was able to get them to show again by just re-installing the app, without removing the cache or any terminal stuff, just drag and drop replacing the original. I don't know why this happened, but adding a menu option to refresh or clear the preview images would be nice.

Also not sure why but trying to download PCSE01068 Bunny must die! makes the app crash.

Using v1.4.2 on OS X 10.10 Yosemite