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Redundant example sentences #115

Closed stephenmk closed 2 months ago

stephenmk commented 6 months ago

I searched the JMdict_e_examp file for entries with example sentences that are nearly identical to the entry headwords. I found a couple dozen. These sorts of example sentences are somewhat redundant, so we may want to consider removing the associated priority tags in the Tatoeba database.

Sequence Headword SentenceID Sentence Meaning
1107700 ファイト 197239 ファイトだ。 Don't give up the fight.
1211360 堪忍袋の緒が切れる 183970 堪忍袋の緒が切れる。 My patience has come to the breaking point.
1217220 眼中にない 183667 眼中にない。 I don't exist to you.
1229820 泣き面に蜂 182382 泣き面に蜂。 Misfortunes never come singly.
1266470 呼吸 174577 呼吸は? Is he breathing?
1294220 最低 170386 最低! You're disgusting!
1338260 出る釘は打たれる 147764 出る釘は打たれる。 The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.
1374550 すごい 214728 すごいぞ! Terrific!
1448740 灯台下暗し 354110 灯台下暗し。 You can't see the forest for the trees.
1453320 同病相憐れむ 123642 同病相憐れむ。 Misery loves company.
1514120 取らぬ狸の皮算用 148681 取らぬ狸の皮算用か。 Are you counting your chickens before they are hatched?
1640760 窮すれば通ず 182371 窮すれば通ず。 Necessity is the mother of invention.
1674540 明々白々 80233 明々白々だ。 It's abundantly clear.
1782980 喧嘩両成敗 175411 喧嘩両成敗。 It takes two to make a quarrel.
2013650 踏んだり蹴ったり 123893 踏んだり蹴ったり。 It never rains but it pours.
2016860 懐が暖かい 185149 懐が暖かい。 I have plenty of money with me.
2119740 何だって 187857 何だって? What did you say?
2128500 もう一踏ん張り 194281 もう一踏ん張り! Stick to it!
2140010 面目丸つぶれ 80187 面目丸つぶれだ。 I have lost face completely.
2197810 無駄口をたたく 80906 無駄口をたたくな。 Don't waste your breath.
2220750 口ばっかり 173926 口ばっかり! You're all talk and no action!
2393900 いい加減にしろ 229374 いい加減にしろよ。 Cut it out.
2547280 よく言う 192781 よく言うよ。 Don't make me laugh.
2683950 もうたくさん 194397 もうたくさんだ。 I have had it.
2839342 失敗を恐れる 149586 失敗を恐れるな。 Don't be afraid of making mistakes.

Similarly, I searched for example sentences that are nearly identical to the cross-references within the same entries. I found nine.

Sequence Headword Sense Reference SentenceID Sentence Meaning
1194500 7 言わぬが花 174747 言わぬが花。 "Speech is silver, silence is gold."
1387340 先んずる 1 先んずれば人を制す 141901 先んずれば人を制す。 "First come, first served."
1405750 賊軍 1 勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍 147190 勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍。 "If you win, you are in the right, but if you lose, you are in the wrong."
1488460 百聞 1 百聞は一見に如かず 85412 百聞は一見に如かず。 Seeing is believing.
1742050 窮鼠 1 窮鼠猫を噛む 182372 窮鼠猫を噛む。 A cornered rat will bite a cat.
2034480 身につく 2 悪銭身に付かず 191400 悪銭身に付かず。 "Ill gained, ill spent."
2106260 こった 1 何てこった 187851 何てこった。 Holy cow!
2138820 如かず 1 百聞は一見に如かず 85412 百聞は一見に如かず。 Seeing is believing.
2438770 弥立つ 1 身の毛がよだつ 144747 身の毛がよだつ。 Make one's hair stand on end.

So for example, in the entry for 花 on sense 07, the cross reference and example sentence are currently identical.


stephenmk commented 6 months ago

If nobody has any objections within about a week or so, I'll start working through cleaning these up.

JMdictProject commented 6 months ago

I'm glad there are only a few, and they should be cleaned up.

I looked in detail at the first two, and they are actually good examples of how such a clean-up could go:

So in a clean-up I think the first thing should be to try and identify a more appropriate example sentence and move the tag there. If sentences are useless (as in the ファイト case) they can dropped by removing the index. I use the sentence display option in wwwjdic to help search for possible suitable sentences.

stephenmk commented 5 months ago

I deleted all the indices for the top set of sentences. For the bottom set I only removed the priority flags since those sentences are indexed to more than one entry.

So in a clean-up I think the first thing should be to try and identify a more appropriate example sentence and move the tag there.

Below is a list of the more appropriate example sentences that I picked out. I already set the priority flags on these sentences. If everything looks good then it should be fine to close this issue.

呼吸 [01]

酸素は私たちが呼吸すると肺の中に取り込まれる。 Oxygen is taken into our lungs when we breathe.

最低 [01]

私は最低2マイルは歩ける。 I can walk at least two miles.

最低 [02]

こんな最低の目にあったことはないわ! This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me!

最低 [03]

あの映画、最低! That movie stinks!

すごい [01]

そんなすごい目で睨み付けないでください。 Don't look so fiercely at me.

すごい [02]

今すごい名案がうかんだぞ。 I've just come up with a great idea.

踏んだり蹴ったり [01]

雨には降られるわ、デートに遅刻するわ、財布を落とすわ、今日は踏んだり蹴ったりだよ。 I get caught in the rain, I'm late for my date, and I lose my pocketbook. It's just one thing after another today.

懐が暖かい [01]

トムは今日給料をもらったのでふところがあったかい。 Tom is flush with money since he got paid today.

いい加減にしろ [01]

いい加減にしろっつの。恵子さん、嫌がってるだろ。 I said 'Quit it'. Can't you see Keiko hates that?

もうたくさん [01]

この悪い天気はもうたくさんだ。 We've had enough of this bad weather.

口ばかり [01]

あいつは口ばかりで、誠意がないね。巧言令色少なし仁とはよくいったもんだ。 They say fine words are no virtue if they're insincere and that's him in a nutshell. He's all talk but doesn't mean a word of it.

JMdictProject commented 2 months ago

They look fine. I think this can be closed.