Jacob-Griffin / TelephonePictionary2.0

New version of blowyourfaceoff.com using more modern web technology than php and raw javascript
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Blow Your Face Off 2.0

This is an updated version of the online "telephone pictionary" app blowyourfaceoff.com, using more modern tooling. The goal is to get away from php and the heartbeat model for syncing game state between players. I instead opted for firebase real-time database subscription.

This project started as a Vue+Vite app backed by some stencil.js webcomponents to capture some older work. In order to make future migrations easier, I'm moving the more reusable bits out into a typescript utils package.



  1. After cloning the repo, run pnpm install at the project root
  2. In /apps/tp-app, create a firebase.secrets.js and export your firebase config object
    • This is just to keep my own keys private, and to support github action publishing.
  3. In /apps/tp-app, create a copy of algolia.secrets.template.js call algolia.secrets.js, and sub in your api key and app name
  4. Run pnpm build, then pnpm dev at the root.

The game will then be hosted at localhost:5150, and available to your local network at the same port (vite will tell you the address)


root (turbo)
        /tp-app   (vue + vite)
        /byfo-components (stencil.js)
        /byfo-theme (css + typescript)
        /byfo-utils (typescript)

All other folders are boilerplate and project setup for the turborepo

Current State

The app is pretty much what I would consider "Minimum shippable", plus a lot of easy wins, but still has a few minor issues to take care of. Demo/Test builds are available at https://beta.byfo.net