JacobJWalker / DescartesDaemon

Descartes' Daemon is a "middleware" operating system for virtual machines.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Move to QEMU #27

Open crutchcorn opened 9 years ago

crutchcorn commented 9 years ago

http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Installing_a_KVM_Guest_OS_from_the_Command-line_(virt-install) https://libvirt.org/drvqemu.html https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libvirt http://wiki.hackzine.org/sysadmin/kvm-import-ova.html http://linux.die.net/man/1/virt-install http://people.freedesktop.org/~teuf/spice-doc/html/ch02s06

crutchcorn commented 9 years ago

Walking through my (admittedly) very tired thought process (running on no sleep here): First you convert the OVA file to a QCOW file Then, you read the data from the .ovf to configure your virt-install command. Lastly, you use a command in this syntax

virt-install  \
  --name demo  \
  --memory 512 \
  --disk /home/user/VMs/mydisk.img \

To create the QEMU VM. This is currently untested - but I am currently downloading the OVA found here, and will be trying to get myself a good ol' FreeDos QEMU VM. Will report back here after tests have been made

PS: virt-viewer needs to be installed

crutchcorn commented 9 years ago
virt-install \
    --connect=qemu:///system \
    --name=Testingtesting123 \
    --ram=1024 \
    --vcpus=4 \
    --sound \
    --video qxl --channel spicevmc
    --check-cpu \
    --noreboot \
    --disk /home/crutchcorn/git/DescartesDaemon/FreeDos.qcow2,format=qcow2 \

Upon running this command, everything ran PERFECTLY as one could ever hope and pray for. It brought up the display IMMEDIATELY and showed FreeDos in all of it's glory. We need to play with other flags in virt-install so that we can more efficiently transfer from OVA --> QEMU

The network defaults to NAT which isn't preferable - but figuring out bridged is a bit strange. You have to know the name of the connection. EG: --network bridge=wlan0 and even then I couldn't get it working

crutchcorn commented 9 years ago

Regaurding USB passthrough: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/UsbNetworkRedirection

crutchcorn commented 9 years ago

Turns out that the above USB passthrough method does not work. We'll have to use Spicey. To see the changes that will need to be made to a VM, you can see it going from VNC to Spice here

In addition to this: We will need to have these commands run AS ROOT (not under sudo either).

 mkdir -p /root/.config/spicy/
 cat > /root/.config/spicy/settings <<EOF



This command taken from my other VM project

deadbaed commented 9 years ago


crutchcorn commented 8 years ago

A lot of work has been done on the QEMU branch. Looking at it technically, it SHOULD work, but for some reason it likes to boot down the host when the guest is ran (on Virtualbox granted. Might try physical hardware today)