JakubAndrysek / MkDoxy

📖 Automatically generates API documentation for your project based on Doxygen comments and code snippets in your markdown files.
MIT License
60 stars 16 forks source link
code code-snippets documentation documentation-generator doxygen mkdocs mkdoxy multilanguage open-source python snippets


MkDoxy plugin for MkDocs generates API documentation based on Doxygen comments and code snippets in your markdown files.

Warning Extension is in development, and a few features are not working properly. More information in Discussions and Issues pages.

:material-home-edit: Online Demo and :simple-github: Demo source-code

Feature List - Installation - Quick start

Feature List


Install the plugin using pip from PyPI:

pip install mkdoxy

Development version with all dependencies:

python -m pip install mkdoxy ".[dev]"

Install from source:

pip install git+https://github.com/JakubAndrysek/MkDoxy.git

Quick start


site_name: "My MkDoxy documentation"

  name: material

  - search
  - mkdoxy:
        myProjectCpp: # name of project must be alphanumeric + numbers (without spaces)
          src-dirs: path/to/src/project1 # path to source code (support multiple paths separated by space) => INPUT
          full-doc: True # if you want to generate full documentation
          doxy-cfg: # standard doxygen configuration (key: value)
            FILE_PATTERNS: "*.cpp *.h*" # specify file patterns to filter out
            RECURSIVE: True # recursive search in source directories


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you want to change.

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This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license