JamesOwers / midi_degradation_toolkit

A toolkit for generating datasets of midi files which have been degraded to be 'un-musical'.
MIT License
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Automate documentation creation #167

Open JamesOwers opened 4 years ago

JamesOwers commented 4 years ago

We want to solve 3 problems regarding documentation:

  1. We don't want to have to rerun the ipynb files in ./docs after each change by hand, this is an issue because: a. this is easily forgotten/new contributors wouldn't know to do this, and it is and long! b. version control is made hard: output data saved in the files is always different, so diffs on the files are very large and not representative of the code which was changed (if any)
  2. The evaluated ipynb files are very large, this is a problem because: a. they're difficult to version control (see above) b. pulling the repo takes a long time
  3. We would like an easy way to browse documentation of the package

Looked into readthedocs (#97 ) and propose the following:

JamesOwers commented 4 years ago

Actually- look into NBDev in place of binder, just quickly! https://github.com/fastai/nbdev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q6sLbz37gk&ab_channel=JeremyHoward

JamesOwers commented 4 years ago

This also looks awesome! https://github.com/mwouts/jupytext