I try to enter a world, it loads until part of the 'rebuilding loot cache', then shuts down, and disble recipebrowser imediatly.
Playing on windows 10 pro, 8GB RAM, 64bits.
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Laugicality.NPCs.EtherialGlobalNPC.ScaleExpertStats(NPC npc, Int32 numPlayers, Single bossLifeScale) na d:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\Laugicality\NPCs\EtherialGlobalNPC.cs:line 208
at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.ScaleExpertStats(NPC npc, Int32 numPlayers, Single bossLifeScale)
at Terraria.NPC.scaleStats()
at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaults(Int32 Type, Single scaleOverride)
at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.Setup(Mod recipeBrowserMod)
at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.PostAddRecipes()
at Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeHooks.PostAddRecipes()
I try to enter a world, it loads until part of the 'rebuilding loot cache', then shuts down, and disble recipebrowser imediatly. Playing on windows 10 pro, 8GB RAM, 64bits.
LOG FILE: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Laugicality.NPCs.EtherialGlobalNPC.ScaleExpertStats(NPC npc, Int32 numPlayers, Single bossLifeScale) na d:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\Laugicality\NPCs\EtherialGlobalNPC.cs:line 208 at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.ScaleExpertStats(NPC npc, Int32 numPlayers, Single bossLifeScale) at Terraria.NPC.scaleStats() at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaults(Int32 Type, Single scaleOverride) at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.Setup(Mod recipeBrowserMod) at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.PostAddRecipes() at Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeHooks.PostAddRecipes()