JavidPack / RecipeBrowser

RecipeBrowser mod for tModLoader
80 stars 51 forks source link

Crash. Imcompatibility with Laugicality(maybe). #32

Closed Umbraminf closed 5 years ago

Umbraminf commented 5 years ago

I try to enter a world, it loads until part of the 'rebuilding loot cache', then shuts down, and disble recipebrowser imediatly. Playing on windows 10 pro, 8GB RAM, 64bits.

LOG FILE: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Laugicality.NPCs.EtherialGlobalNPC.ScaleExpertStats(NPC npc, Int32 numPlayers, Single bossLifeScale) na d:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\Laugicality\NPCs\EtherialGlobalNPC.cs:line 208 at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.ScaleExpertStats(NPC npc, Int32 numPlayers, Single bossLifeScale) at Terraria.NPC.scaleStats() at Terraria.NPC.SetDefaults(Int32 Type, Single scaleOverride) at RecipeBrowser.LootCacheManager.Setup(Mod recipeBrowserMod) at RecipeBrowser.RecipeBrowser.PostAddRecipes() at Terraria.ModLoader.RecipeHooks.PostAddRecipes()

PRINT SCREEN: error recipes mod

JavidPack commented 5 years ago

That bug is in Laugicality, so I can't do anything about it.