JeffreyWay / Laravel-Elixir-Rollup

Official Rollup extension for Laravel Elixir. (Includes support for .vue files).
29 stars 12 forks source link

Gulp still require the installation #11

Closed reke592 closed 8 years ago

reke592 commented 8 years ago

The rollup-official is already installed in my node_modules directory, I also tried to install the module with --global flag, but still when I run gulp --production it shows an error.

[10:58:46] Using gulpfile c:\Users\4lt3rk3y\websites\blog\gulpfile.js [10:58:46] Starting 'all'... [10:58:46] Starting 'sass'... [10:58:48] Finished 'sass' after 2 s [10:58:48] Starting 'webpack'... [10:59:02] [10:59:10] Finished 'webpack' after 22 s [10:59:10] Starting 'styles'... [10:59:10] Finished 'styles' after 259 ms [10:59:10] Starting 'rollup'...

Installation Required

To use "mix.rollup()", please run the following command, and then trigger gulp again.

npm install laravel-elixir-rollup-official --save-dev

here's my npm version

npm: '3.10.8', node: '6.6.0',

Am I missing something? TIA

reke592 commented 8 years ago

It's working now, I remove the node_moudles folder, update to node 6.9.1, and run npm install.