Jeija / bluefluff

Reverse Engineering Furby Connect's Bluetooth Protocol and Update Format
MIT License
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Android support? #8

Closed furbytamer closed 7 years ago

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

I don't have a computer or apple device how do i hack my furby from my s4?

Jeija commented 7 years ago

You can manually send the commands specified here to the Bluetooth characteristic with ID dab91383b5a1e29cb041bcd562613bde using the nRF connect app (as demonstrated in my YouTube video). That way you should be able to enter debug mode (send db), change Furby's mood (send e.g. 24010010 to set excitedness to 0x10 = 16), control the LCD backlight (send cd00 or cd01) or execute preprogrammed sound file + movement sequences (send e.g. 13004a0001 to make him say something about being a DJ).

You won't be able to upload your own audio to the Furby. This process is fairly complicated and involves a lot more than just sending the correct commands (e.g. you need to convert the audio file to the A1800 codec and align the audio inside the DLC), so you will certainly need a computer for that.

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

Will there be moble apps in the future for this?

Jeija commented 7 years ago

I'm not planning to make one and I don't know about anyone else creating a mobile app for this, so I'm afraid there are not going to be any mobile apps, not even mentioning the legal issues creating a mobile version might cause.

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

How do you restore the eyes to normal?

Jeija commented 7 years ago

Keep sending db commands until they get back to normal or take out the batteries.

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

Is there any commands for changing the personality value?

Jeija commented 7 years ago

No, I've been speculating that Hasbro is going to sell additional masks (like the sleep mask) for Furby Connect that turn Furby into Ninja, Princess, DJ etc. However, I've also heard reports that the audio / eye animations for these personalities are not stored on the mask chips themselves, but are already inside Furby's memory. But I don't know how to access these personalities just yet.

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

Im not much of a code expert but if i find anything cool ill let you know :3

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

I remember the antenna was rumored to function as a joystick so maybe ill try connecting it to an emulator :3

furbytamer commented 7 years ago

His excitement, tired, and displeasure values seem to increase in response to moving the antenna

aptitudex commented 7 years ago

Does the antenna have any functional use inside the app? Does it actually do anything other than look pretty? I don't have the Furby Connect yet myself, so I'm going out on a bit of a limb here.

Jeija commented 7 years ago

It didn't seem to have any use inside the app last time I checked, but I would assume this is a feature that might be added in the future. The 0x21 GeneralPlus response contains some very detailed information on antenna position (can detect all directions, including when the antenna is pushed down), so technically the antenna could be used as a joystick.

And of course it functions as an indicator for Furby's various "desires", e.g. sometimes it glows blue and Furby says something along the lines of "something happening at the egg machine".

ghost commented 7 years ago

When you're connected to the app, and you wiggle/press the antenna, Furby will say various things (one of my favorites is "Message received: Downloading broccoli schematics"). When not connected, all it does is change color.

@Jeija, I couldn't figure this out myself; What value do you send using NRF Connect to have Furby start singing one of his DLC'd songs?

Jeija commented 7 years ago

Oh wow, I never got that "Downloading broccoli schematics", interesting to hear Furby does that 😏

@ApertureAndroid: The DLC sounds are mapped to Input 75 which is hex 0x4B, so the command for launching one of these actions should be something like 13004b000001. You propably want to play around with the last 3 bytes (6 characters) which are "index", "subindex" and "specific" of the action. Depending on the current DLC, these correspond to different songs / reactions / song announcements.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Jeija Oh, I see. I was trying to use the number "75." I didn't think to use the hex code. Interesting; the example you gave seems to run some speech used in a DLC that's not even accessible in the app currently...

mew15845 commented 6 years ago

I think hasbro has completely forgotten that the poor furbies even exist! If you look at their update history in the app store they've been inactive for a year now. Is there an SD card in the furbies? I love my furbie but i'd like to make it sound less obnoxious and gassy as well as actually respond to vocal commands.

snakeroot1978 commented 5 years ago


I bought a furby connect for a little 6 year old girl. It doesn't move not even its eyes are there any nrf codes that i can try to get it to move ? Please help when she was very young she was very ill too.