Jennifer-Hinrichsen / emotion-tracker
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Custom Emotion Types #22

Closed StephieTack closed 2 days ago

StephieTack commented 1 month ago

Value proposition

As a user I want to create and customize my own emotion types In order to personalize my experience and have options that fit my unique emotions.


Design for the CTA that leads to the new form: Image

Wireframe for the Create Emotion Type Form: Image

Acceptance criteria

ahohnsen commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there!

I have a few suggestions for your user story:


Since this user story involves changes to the user interface, please include wireframes. This will make your Acceptance Criteria clearer, and the user story overall easier to understand and implement.

Acceptance Criteria

Currently, it sounds like there are three separate forms, one for the name, color, and emoji. I’d recommend revising the section that describes the “Create Emotion Type” page. Here’s my suggestion:

The “Create Emotion Type” page displays a form with the following form fields:

- A dropdown to choose an Emotion type name. The options in the dropdown are predefined. - A predefined palette of colors for selecting an emotion color. - A predefined palette of emojis for selecting an emoji.

Additionally, I’d suggest specifying the type of form field for color and emoji selection. Will these also use a dropdown like the Emotion type name?

I also had a question: What if the user decides not to add a new Emotion type after all? Is there a “Cancel” option, or another way for the user to exit this view and return to the “Add Emotion” form? Please consider adding this to your Acceptance Criteria.

Hope, that helps. 🙂

ahohnsen commented 2 weeks ago

Nice update.

If you are implementing the form as shown in your wireframe, I guess you are going to use radio buttons for the color and emojis, so that only one option can be chosen by the user. I suggest to add that to your acceptance criteria.