JerboaBurrow / Hop

Lightweight, cross-platform, 2D game engine | ECS; Lua Console; Physics; Tile based
MIT License
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Lighting #3

Open Jerboa-app opened 2 years ago

Jerboa-app commented 2 years ago

ambient light cast by view distance

shadow quads cast by:

agent blind angles (zones) map geometry

Jerboa-app commented 2 years ago

agent on map height 0 has shadows cast by all higher map height intersections

at 1 no shadows by (0,1) intersections but higher ones still etc...

Jerboa-app commented 2 years ago

work out shadow quads from a-priori marching squares cells

Jerboa-app commented 2 years ago

player will be light source

implement so arbitrary object can be light source?

Jerboa-app commented 2 years ago

ambient light also perturbed by "clouds" noise map, and world height (depth attenuation)

simulate light hitting underwater