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Do not show standard BED fields that are not covered by BED format in detailed cursor info #232

Closed iromeo closed 11 months ago

iromeo commented 11 months ago

Do not show standard BED fields that are not covered by BED format in detailed cursor info

Bed entry has from 3 to 12 stanard fileds, other fileds are marked with + (see ExtendedBedEntry).

1. chrom
2. start
3. end
4. name
5. score
6. strand
7. thickStart
12. blockStarts
13. extraFields


So let's do not show thickStart value for bed6+, bed6, bed5+, ... This fields is not provided in bed file and ExtendedBedEntry has only default value for it which is need only from software engineering point of view (do not make fileds nullable) and doesn't have any practical sense.