JetBrains / compose-multiplatform

Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
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Issue with UpdateTransition AnimatedVisibility in LazyColumn #4312

Closed 456634 closed 7 months ago

456634 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug It seems there is an issue with Transition<> and LazyColumn. To reproduce the problem, run the code and resize the window; the animation should start at 1000.dp. The right side consistently behaves as expected. However, the left side intermittently does not. I could only observe this behavior in combination with LazyColumn. When replaced with a simple Column, everything works as expected. I also tried passing the Transition directly through the function parameter, but the same behavior occurred.

Affected platforms Select one of the platforms below:


To Reproduce

val LocalTransition = compositionLocalOf<Transition<Boolean>> { error("No transition provider") }

fun SimpleUpdateTransition() {
    BoxWithConstraints {
        val updateTransition = updateTransition(maxWidth)
        val leftTransition = updateTransition(maxWidth > 1000.dp) //.createChildTransition { it > 1000.dp }
        val rightTransition = updateTransition(maxWidth > 1000.dp) //.createChildTransition { it > 1000.dp }

            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            content = {
                Box(Modifier.widthIn(0.dp, 300.dp)) {
                    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalTransition provides leftTransition) {
                        //Doesn't work
                        LazyColumn {
                            items(9) {

                        /*Works as expected
                        Column {
                            List(9) {
                Box(Modifier.weight(1f)) { Text(text = "state: ${leftTransition.targetState}") }
                Box(Modifier.widthIn(0.dp, 300.dp)) {
                    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalTransition provides rightTransition) {

private fun SheetContent() {
    val updateTransition = LocalTransition.current

        visible = { it },
        content = {
okushnikov commented 1 month ago

Please check the following ticket on YouTrack for follow-ups to this issue. GitHub issues will be closed in the coming weeks.