JingZhang617 / UCNet

UC-Net: Uncertainty Inspired RGB-D Saliency Detectionvia Conditional Variational Autoencoders, CVPR2020
178 stars 25 forks source link

Hi, #18

Open JCHuang0726 opened 2 years ago

JCHuang0726 commented 2 years ago

perblom:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ResNet'
When i first run test.py in win10,I ran into that problem. Then I type "PIP install ResNet" and download it successfully, then I run it again and still encounter the same problem. what can i do,:-)

andreqwert commented 2 years ago

Hello @JCHuang0726 I am not the owner of this repo and code but I get this problem solved by moving the import from from ResNet import B2_ResNet to from .ResNet import B2_ResNet

(string #5 at /model/ResNet_models.py)