Jire / Abendigo

A free as in both freedom and free beer game modding platform using Kotlin on the JVM.
GNU General Public License v3.0
57 stars 58 forks source link


Open HRVAT007 opened 7 years ago

HRVAT007 commented 7 years ago

I got VAC banned for using abendigo. I think it got detected.

leandrosantos23 commented 7 years ago

yes, me too! I'm sad

benjaminseng990 commented 7 years ago

Do you guys have any solid evidence that you got vac ban like a picture of your steam profile getting vac ban

leandrosantos23 commented 7 years ago


leandrosantos23 commented 7 years ago

All my friends banned

benjaminseng990 commented 7 years ago

I just played 1 competitive match and I had not been vac banned so far, so it should be safe and undetected for now. Did you use any external hacks other than abendigo

jo77528 commented 7 years ago

It's detected for sure LOL I just got VAC banned too, and i only use abendigo

jo77528 commented 7 years ago

Once VAC scans ur comp ur gonna get banned

MarGokz commented 7 years ago


taariqamozilla commented 7 years ago

Same I got a vac (on my main) and im really pissed (but I guess its my fault) still pissed tho

txpxsx commented 7 years ago

Do we need to format pc after VAC ban?

HRVAT007 commented 7 years ago

I used only abendigo too and i got VAC not overwatch but VAC. I know the difference between those 2 bans.

txpxsx commented 7 years ago

Should we format the pc? Since valve scans it...I'm afraid my other accounts will be affected

benjaminseng990 commented 7 years ago

I don't think you need to format it to be safe just avoid playing on valve servers for now and wait for Jire to fix the problem first

0dysseu5 commented 7 years ago

Have not played in a few days. But got VACed today. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198336726683/

benjaminseng990 commented 7 years ago

Have this issue gotten worse or is it getting better?

ghost commented 7 years ago

I have been using Abendigo for more than 6 month now. and I didn't get a ban. I'm still using it and its totally safe. you guys probably messed up the configurations otherwise this is legit 100% not detected.

MarGokz commented 7 years ago

@davewolax Hey Bruh what is ur Config?...

MarGokz commented 7 years ago

@davewolax i just turn on the RCS and the FOVAim... -_-

ghost commented 7 years ago

@MaGoKz Only GlowESP and FOVAim and make sure you build it once a while

smurfmannen commented 7 years ago

@davewolax If this FREE cheat has been ud for six months, you should show some more respect towards Jire. He has made an amazing job with this cheat keeping it ud for six months. And if you are mad because you got banned you should keep your feelings for yourself and not tell us to "fuck him up"

Jire commented 7 years ago

@davewolax Yeah, keep calling non-stop demanding help when you haven't paid a dime.. One day you'll learn maybe.

MarGokz commented 7 years ago

@Jire Where is the Cheat Life?... Can't wait...

jo77528 commented 7 years ago

@Jire isn't our slave, he did us all a huge favour by allowing free, secure, and top notch cheats for six months. You didn't do anything to deserve it, so just stfu and leave Jire alone.