To conform to the glTF™ 2.0 Specification there are several features missing in our current glTF importer. Conformity testing is done using the test cases/assets from this repo: glTF-Asset-Generator. The following test cases need yet to be run successfully:
[ ] Material_*: ALL material tests (missing features such as alphaMode and many more glTF material properties)
[ ] Instancing: 0, 1 (fudge textures do not support setting wrapping options for wrapT and wrapS)
[ ] Instancing: 7 (in 3D rendering, there appears to be a convention that dictates that if the determinant of a world transformation matrix is less than 0, the winding order should be reversed during the rendering of the associated mesh)
[x] Instancing: 9 (in the glTF scene, there are multiple skeletons that share the same common root node. However, the current skeleton system in fudge cannot replicate this scenario)
[ ] Texture_Sampler: 1-13 (fudge textures do not support setting wrapping options for wrapT and wrapS, nor setting magFilter and minFilter)
[ ] Node_NegativeScale: ALL (in 3D rendering, there appears to be a convention that dictates that if the determinant of a world transformation matrix is less than 0, the winding order should be reversed during the rendering of the associated mesh)
[ ] From spec: "When normals are not specified, client implementations MUST calculate flat normals and the provided tangents (if present) MUST be ignored."
[x] Frim spec:"The bitangent vectors MUST be computed by taking the cross product of the normal and tangent XYZ vectors and multiplying it against the W component of the tangent: bitangent = cross(, * tangent.w."
[ ] From spec: "When tangents are not specified, client implementations SHOULD calculate tangents using default MikkTSpace algorithms with the specified vertex positions, normals, and texture coordinates associated with the normal texture."
To conform to the glTF™ 2.0 Specification there are several features missing in our current glTF importer. Conformity testing is done using the test cases/assets from this repo: glTF-Asset-Generator. The following test cases need yet to be run successfully: