JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

WARNING! This repo is no longer updated, find the updated version on the A3Wasteland git! -
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Basesaving #98

Closed Solo- closed 10 years ago

Solo- commented 10 years ago

Also, this server, I have iniDB setup, yet it does not save anything to it's DB do I need to add the "call compile preProcessFile "\iniDB\init.sqf";" still somewhere in the init.sqf ?

If so where exactly and what init.sqf ?

I was assuming yet again the mission i pulled of the binary now it had iniDB into it's PBO as those folders and files about it are there.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

you need the iniDB mod

if i should rephrase the readme.txt ->

or the comments in the settings file about inidb ->

let me know what/how so its more clear the next time :) english is not my native language so im always open for tips on this :)

Solo- commented 10 years ago

Sorry to be so ignorant maybe, but there is no config-file , yes i see a config.sqf but that has nothing about it in anywhere, i also brwosed i think all init.sqf's i could find and also a no-go

Solo- commented 10 years ago

Just to be on the safe side here, i have the sanbox mission

Solo- commented 10 years ago

nvm, i am not used to use files outside the map... found it :(

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

that zip has it all :)